
INTERVIEW: Big Ocean’s Inspiring Journey and Message of Inclusivity

Big Ocean, a music group born from diverse backgrounds, began with a shared dream to connect with people through powerful, hope-filled music. Their journey has been driven by a commitment to creating songs that resonate with listeners and inspire positivity.

Despite facing industry pressures and personal challenges, the group stays true to their artistic vision and purpose. With a focus on inclusivity, they integrate sign language into performances, aiming to reach and uplift all audiences, including those with disabilities.

Their latest singles, “Blow” and “SLOW,” embody messages of energy, patience, and perseverance. CETV recently spoke to the group, and let’s see what they had to say to our questions.

CETV: What is the story of how Big Ocean began?
Chanyeon: Big Ocean started with a shared dream to reach out and connect with people from
all walks of life. We each came from different worlds, and our diverse experiences brought us
closer together.
Hyunjin: Music was the perfect medium to share our stories, our challenges, and our hope.
From the very beginning, our goal was simple: to create music that resonates deeply with
people, offering them strength and positivity along the way.
Jiseok: This mission has been our guiding light from day one. It is this commitment that
continues to drive us as a group, and it keeps us connected to our Pados.

CETV: What are the challenges the group is facing right now, and how do you overcome
these challenges?

Big Ocean: Every group has its set of challenges, and we’re no different. Whether it’s juggling
our personal lives with our growing careers, dealing with the pressures of the industry, or
striving to deliver our best performances, we face these hurdles head-on. One of our main
challenges is finding the balance between staying true to our artistic vision and meeting the
expectations of our fans. We overcome these challenges by being there for each other and
keeping our purpose clear—sharing messages of hope, unity, and positivity. We also remind
ourselves to take things step by step and trust the process, just like we convey in our latest
single, “SLOW.”

CETV: How do you plan to spread the message of inclusivity for all through your music?
Jiseok: Inclusivity is a cornerstone of what we do. We aim to spread this message through
our music by crafting songs that speak to everyone, regardless of their background or
circumstances. We’ve also made sign language a key part of our performances and online
presence, ensuring that our message reaches people of all abilities, including those with
unique challenges. Our ultimate goal is to create an environment where everyone feels
recognized, understood, and appreciated. We hope our music can inspire others to celebrate
and embrace what makes them unique.

CETV: Can you tell us the creative process behind your new single, Blow?
Chanyeon: Working on “Blow” was a unique experience for us. This song is part of a series
where we draw inspiration from the natural world, with “Blow” representing the wind. We
wanted the song to embody the energy and liberation that the wind symbolizes, so we focused
on creating a sound that was both vibrant and uplifting.
Hyunjin: Following “Blow,” our next single, “SLOW,” was released last Sunday, August 11.
This song carries a powerful message about patience and perseverance. We wanted to create
a track that emphasizes the importance of taking your time, trusting the process, and
acknowledging the people who have supported us throughout our journey. The creative
process for “SLOW” involved deep reflection and close collaboration. Just like with “Blow,” we
worked together as a team to bring “SLOW” to life, and we’re really excited to share it with

CETV: What is your advice to all people who have a disability but want to achieve their

Jiseok: To anyone facing challenges, including those with disabilities, my advice is simple:
believe in yourself and your potential.
Chanyeon: Don’t let others set your limits or define what you can achieve. Surround yourself
with people who support and believe in you, and keep moving forward, even when the road
gets tough.
Hyunjin: Remember, your journey may take time, and that’s perfectly okay—what matters is
that you keep progressing toward your dreams. We hope our music serves as a reminder that
you are capable of achieving incredible things.

Check out their music video for SLOW featuring Young K of DAY6:

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